ONVU Learning partners with education sector experts in a study to assess the impact of coaching on ITT via the use of video technology. 


LONDON, OCTOBER 3, 2022 – ONVU Learning, provider of video lesson capture solutions, has announced today that they have formed an innovative partnership with two Multi Academy Trusts (MATs),  a teacher professional development provider, and researchers from UCL to examine the impact of instructional coaching on Initial Teacher Training (ITT) .  



The research is designed to be an innovative collaboration seeking to examine the impact of a particular instructional coaching methodology delivered by Steplab. It is focused on positive behaviour narration and aims to prove the impact of the coaching model through analysis of accurate and precise real-World recordings, captured using ONVU Learning.  



The two MATs involved, Cabot Learning Federation and Dixons Academies Trust are at the forefront of ITT within England and have agreed to assess the impact of different approaches to coaching on up to 50 trainee teachers across primary and secondary schools within their trusts. The data captured for Steplab and by ONVU Learning will then be analysed by Sam Sims and Kate Tod Forbes (UCL).  


“We’re thrilled to be part of such an exciting initiative,” said Matthew Tiplin, VP Commercial, ONVU Learning. “Being on this journey with our partners demonstrates that video lesson capture can sit at the core of teacher support and development approaches, and that it can really help teachers to get the insight and evidence they need to improve their impact on students’ outcomes.” 

“This is an exciting opportunity to learn more about what works in terms of helping teachers to get better, as well as to collaborate with several leading organisations, schools and research institutions.  said Josh Goodrich, Founder & CEO, Steplab.  

“This is a really exciting project… ” said Dr Sam Sims, Lecturer, UCL Institute of Education, “using new technology allows us to answer new research questions, which would previously have been difficult to answer. The findings will help us design more effective teacher professional development in future.”  

Kate Tod Forbes, Honorary Research Assistant, UCL, and a secondary school teacher, said, “Being in classrooms, better understanding how teachers apply professional development, is always a privilege, but to be able to observe and analyse teaching and teacher learning, remotely, on this scale, opens a new world to us as researchers and educators.” 

“This is a fantastic opportunity for us to understand the ingredients of great mentoring. We know mentors matter and by being part of this innovative project, we will be able to enhance both our mentoring and coaching offer so our mentors and trainees thrive during the training year.“ said Natasha Raheem,  Assistant Vice Principal, Dixons Academies Trust. 

“This project is a great opportunity for us to get closer to and really look at learning and to further understand how to support and develop great teaching. We are really excited to be part of the research and to collaborate with others at this time. … “Susie Weaver, Executive Principal, Cabot Learning Federation.   

The research will be carried out in the Autumn 2022 term, with results expected by the end of Q1 2023 and to be presented at The Bett 2023 show. 



About ONVU Learning 

ONVU Learning is a comprehensive video lesson capture solution that enables educators to observe, reflect, analyse and collaborate on the entire teaching and learning process to enable excellent learning outcomes through evidence and insights.   



ONVU Learning complements schools’ teacher professional development programmes and replaces traditional high stakes, low impact lesson observations improving and standardising teaching performance, and supporting teacher CPD across departments, schools and Trusts. 



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