Case Studies
See how ONVU Learning has supported schools and teachers with 360 degree video lesson capture, self-reflection and CPD tools.

Aston University Engineering Academy (AUEA) is a university technical college in Birmingham, England, with a wide curriculum of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
In July 2018, AUEA became the first school in the world to deploy 360-degree cameras in all its 28 classrooms and learning environments – ONVU Learning – as a step forward to improving teaching and learning. This has drawn a great deal of media attention. Read the reports and case studies and learn more about the successful AUEA & ONVU Learning partnership.

Mrs Zara Sahota, Head of Maths at AUEA
A teacher faced with a challenging Year 11 class used ONVU Learning’s 360-degree video solution to inform reflection, resulting in a more positive classroom climate, better academic results, and improved teacher well-being.

Jim Bryant, English and Media Studies Lead Practitioner at AUEA
Within two months of engaging in an innovative research project using ONVU Learning’s video observation solution, an experienced teacher transformed his attitude towards lesson observation through an appreciation of ‘professional detachment’.

Objectives: To remain an outstanding Ofsted provider and nurture Nishkam’s faith inspired, virtues led ethos.
Solution: Utilise ONVU Learning to allow leaders to support staff without a feeling of judgement, using a less intrusive comprehensive evidence base.
Outcome: Improved academic outcomes and performance development. Alongside healthy personal development for all within Nishkam.
Read more about how ONVU Learning helped Nishkam High School.

The Kingston Academy is an Ofsted rated Outstanding school and we want our classroom experience to be excellent for both pupils and teachers.
Our ethos is ‘going beyond what schools ordinarily do’; we expect excellence, we learn from the best and we will constantly strive for improvement.
Professional development is really important to everybody at The Kingston Academy and having a solution like ONVU Learning is really going to help us get consistency in our teaching and cement those high expectations.

The Hereford Academy is a secondary and sixth form school located in Hereford, England. Previously, the school was deemed by the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills in the UK (Ofsted), to have ‘serious weaknesses’.
With the new principal’s fresh approach, combined with 18 months of hard work by the staff, the school managed to significantly improve its ranking. It’s important to highlight ONVU Learning as a key contributor to the success of this achievement. Read the evidence reports and case studies, and learn directly from the teachers about how the clever use of EdTech brings about results and change.

Mr Nathan Price, Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) at The Hereford Academy
ONVU Learning instigated a project with NQT, Mr Nathan Price, to explore whether the innovative use of 360-degree camera technology and access to remote coaching, might address the inevitable challenges of effectiveness and efficiency when faced with a difficult year group. The result is a more empowered, confident Mr Price.

Shavington Primary School has been ranking in the top six for progress in academic results amongst schools in the northwest of England. Due to its level of excellence, Shavington had been preparing to become a teaching school as part of a Multi Academy Trust (MAT). Executive Head Teacher Dan Thomas wanted to initiate a project to enhance teachers’ professional development, and ONVU Learning was chosen as one of the tools used by the school to achieve its goals. Learn more about Shavington’s journey to success, overcoming many challenges along the way.

Help your teachers record, review and share their lessons with ONVU Learning’s complete lesson observation solution.