easy teacher coaching
and mentoring for trainee teachers
Video lesson observation for all of your ITT or PGCE students.

If you're providing training to trainee teachers, the use of video lesson observation software can be massively beneficial. Providing mentoring to students is easy when your student can share clips with you remotely. That way, you can both simultaneously watch and discuss their practice - while saving time overall too.
Mentors can spend a lot of time travelling between student placements. Plus, new faces in classrooms can also have a disruptive effect on students. Video lesson observation means that trainee teachers can send clips to mentors to review, analyse and discuss. Video lesson observation software means that both parties get the most out of the time together.

Schools have changed, but as the last 2 years have proved, when it comes to providing the highest level of education and support to children, their ability to adapt is unparalleled. In this guide we’ve gathered practical ideas from our partner schools and knowledge of educational technology to help schools successfully navigate the changed education landscape.
Better analysis of lessons
Experienced teachers and coaches will likely see more than the student will. Having the ability to reflect on the whole classroom with video clips will help spot incidents, or clues that may not be at first visible to a trainee teacher. Using video software and online reflection tools designed to help you spot these can be a great first step to get the greater value out of the trainee-mentor time.
Providing video clips by the trainee, securely and safely as part of their assessment can be time-saving. You can even time stamp a specific point to allow you to give contextual feedback.

Embed the principles of self-reflection and CPD in students from the start
Self-reflection is a huge part of a teacher’s CPD, but day to day it can be hard to fit it in. Using video observation, that’s always available and embedding the idea that CPD and self-reflection can be part of your daily routine right from the start can make all the difference to the teacher and the school performance in the future.
As an ITT or ECT, the classroom can be a confusing and busy environment and it’s inevitable that you will miss things. Reflecting with ONVU Learning gives you the space to look back over your lesson and see things you might have missed in the moment.